Pizza Egg Muffins: Make Ahead Breakfast for Toddlers & Kids

These Pizza Egg Muffins are a healthy, make ahead breakfast packed with protein and veggies. They’re toddler and kid-friendly and perfect for busy mornings.

The morning rush is no joke, and making a healthy breakfast for your kids can often feel next-to-impossible.

That’s why we created a quick and easy make-ahead recipe that can be stored in your fridge, and quickly reheated for a healthy, protein-packed breakfast. And trust us, these delicious Pizza Egg Muffins will quickly become a favorite with your kids – even picky toddlers. I mean, who doesn’t like pizza?!

Egg muffins are essentially mini omelets that are baked in a muffin pan – sort of like crustless quiches. And the recipe we created takes all of the flavors your family knows and loves of pizza, and combines it into a fluffy breakfast egg muffin. Yum!

Not only are these pizza muffins a great way to start your family’s day with tons of protein power from the eggs, but they also include a healthy serving of veggies.

With these delicious pizza egg bites, you’ll have a healthy breakfast for your kids ready to go every morning – you’ll never have to turn to sugary cereals or no-nutrient bagels ever again!

They also work great as an easy snack, and can easily be packed in your kids’ lunchbox.


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